Monday, June 08, 2009

U.S. Department Of State Press Release, Lebanese Elections.‏

Ian Kelly

Department Spokesman, Office of the Spokesman

Washington, DC

June 8, 2009


The United States congratulates the Lebanese people for carrying out a peaceful national election yesterday, a critical step towards Lebanon's rightful achievement of true independence and sovereignty. We will continue to support a sovereign and independent Lebanon.

We commend the Lebanese voters who turned out in impressive numbers on election day. We also congratulate the Lebanese authorities, including the armed forces and police, who assured the security necessary for voters to exercise their rights. In addition, several observer missions from the United States and elsewhere observed the elections, including the National Democratic Institute and the Carter Center. Their initial reports indicate the elections were carried out fairly.

With the voting over, the process of forming a government and developing a government program now begins. That is a process for Lebanese to carry out, in accordance with the election results and without outside interference. We look forward to working with the next government and hope it will continue along the path toward building a sovereign and stable Lebanon that is committed to peace, including full implementation of all United Nations Security Council resolutions.

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