Thursday, December 01, 2011

Congressman Steve Chabot Reacts to Lebanese Tribunal Funding

Washington: Congressman Steve Chabot (R-OH), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia, released the following statement today regarding Lebanese funding of the UN Special Tribunal for Lebanon.
"I welcome reports of Lebanese Prime Minister Mikati's decision to fund the UN Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) in accordance with Lebanon's obligations under UN Security Council Resolution 1757. At the same time, I have noted that these funds came directly from the Prime Minister's Office through the Higher Relief Committee over which PM Mikati has personal control. But Lebanon's commitments to the STL extend beyond simply meeting its funding obligations, and the entire government must cooperate fully by, among other measures, assisting with the investigation and handing over those individuals indicted by the Tribunal. These, along with exercising full control over sovereign Lebanese territory, halting smuggling, protecting Syrian opposition members residing in Lebanon, and disarming all militias—including Hezbollah—are crucial Lebanese international legal obligations and will be key factors in determining future relations between the United States and Lebanon. I am pleased that the Government of Lebanon has met its financial obligations to the STL and I urge it to meet these other critically important commitments, which will determine what kind of relationship the Mikati government can maintain with the United States."