Saturday, October 03, 2020

LaHood Lebanon Resolution Passes House Foreign Affairs Committee(H.Res. 1077)

October 2, 2020 Press Release
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The House Foreign Affairs Committee unanimously passed Congressman Darin LaHood's resolution, H.Res. 1077. The bipartisan resolution expresses the sense of Congress for the support of the ongoing U.S.- Lebanon relationship. Specifically, the resolution supports U.S. goals for combatting government corruption, executing needed structural reforms, and the important role of the Lebanese Armed Forces. The resolution opposes the growing influence and role of Hezbollah in Lebanon, particularly as the country works to respond and recover from the August 4th explosion.

Congressman LaHood, as Co-Chair of the U.S.-Lebanon Friendship Caucus, recently led a bipartisan effort to advocate for humanitarian aid to Lebanon in response to the blast in Beirut.

"I am pleased that the House Foreign Affairs Committee moved this week to unanimously pass my bill to support the U.S.-Lebanon relationship, making way for a vote before the full House of Representatives," said Rep. LaHood. "Now more than ever, American support for the Lebanese people is vital. My resolution reaffirms our country's commitment to the people of Lebanon and to peace in the region. A strong, independent, and sovereign Lebanon can help provide stability in the Middle East, and I will continue to work with my colleagues to support a productive and sustainable U.S.-Lebanon relationship."

Since the resolution was introduced before the August explosion, the resolution was amended during the House Foreign Affairs Committee markup to include recognition of the tragic explosion at the Port of Beirut and recognize that the US stands with the people of Lebanon in providing support for humanitarian assistance and recovery.

H.Res. 1077 is a House Resolution that expresses the sense of Congress on the continued importance of the U.S.-Lebanon relationship. The resolution expresses U.S. support for:
The Lebanese people after the tragic explosion in the Port of Beirut
Continued to support for humanitarian assistance from the US and international community through vetted NGOs
Sovereignty, security, and independence of Lebanon as a U.S. ally
The Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) through continued U.S. military training and  military equipment
The role and presence of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
U.S. institutions in Lebanon, including programs like American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (ASHA) and U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI)
Strong opposition to Hezbollah influence in Lebanon
Strong opposition to corruption in the Lebanese political elite and public sector

Full text of the original legislation can be read here.