House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry Leads Congressional Delegation in Visit to Lebanon
October 29, 2017
Media Notice
For Immediate Release
October 29, 2017
Media Notice
For Immediate Release
Representative Mac Thornberry (R-TX), Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee (HASC), led a Congressional delegation visit to Lebanon on October 27-29. Representative Thornberry was joined by Representative Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ), Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee (HAC). During the visit, the delegation met with Commander of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) General Joseph Aoun and received a briefing on the LAF's recent "Dawn of the Hills" operation from several high-ranking LAF officers who commanded the successful offensive. The commanders showcased the LAF's ability to execute increasingly sophisticated operations utilizing U.S.-provided equipment and training. The delegation visited LAF units that are fighting terrorism, and observed the newly-arrived A-29 Super Tucano aircraft at Hamat Air Base. In their discussions, Representatives Thornberry and Frelinghuysen reinforced the United States intention to maintain a strong partnership with the people and institutions of Lebanon and the importance of Lebanon's security, stability, and prosperity.
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