Ambassador Connelly Meets with Prime Minister Mikati
The Ambassador and the Prime Minister discussed political developments, including recent proposals by several Lebanese leaders on how to move forward with establishing a government that reflects the aspirations of the Lebanese people and, in the aftermath of the October 19 bombing that killed BG Wissam al-Hassan, will strengthen internal security and Lebanon's sovereignty and independence. The Ambassador welcomed the Prime Minister's efforts to move forward with dialogue on government formation.
The Ambassador raised the U.S. Government's concern over the growing humanitarian needs of the displaced Syrians that have fled to Lebanon to escape the continuing violence in their own country. The Ambassador previewed the visit later this week of the State Department's Assistant Secretary for Population, Refugees, and Migration, Ms. Anne Richard, who will meet with the Prime Minister and others to discuss the U.S. and international community's assistance to the Syrians fleeing over the border to Lebanon.
The Ambassador renewed the commitment of the United States to a stable, sovereign, and independent Lebanon.
November 27, 2012
U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Maura Connelly met with Prime Minister Najib Mikati today. They discussed the U.S.-Lebanese bilateral relationship, the political and security situation in Lebanon, and regional events, and the Prime Minister briefed Ambassador Connelly on his recent visit to France.
The Ambassador and the Prime Minister discussed political developments, including recent proposals by several Lebanese leaders on how to move forward with establishing a government that reflects the aspirations of the Lebanese people and, in the aftermath of the October 19 bombing that killed BG Wissam al-Hassan, will strengthen internal security and Lebanon's sovereignty and independence.
The Ambassador welcomed the Prime Minister's efforts to move forward with dialogue on government formation.
The Ambassador welcomed the Prime Minister's efforts to move forward with dialogue on government formation.
The Ambassador raised the U.S. Government's concern over the growing humanitarian needs of the displaced Syrians that have fled to Lebanon to escape the continuing violence in their own country.
The Ambassador previewed the visit later this week of the State Department's Assistant Secretary for Population, Refugees, and Migration, Ms. Anne Richard, who will meet with the Prime Minister and others to discuss the U.S. and international community's assistance to the Syrians fleeing over the border to Lebanon.
The Ambassador previewed the visit later this week of the State Department's Assistant Secretary for Population, Refugees, and Migration, Ms. Anne Richard, who will meet with the Prime Minister and others to discuss the U.S. and international community's assistance to the Syrians fleeing over the border to Lebanon.
The Ambassador renewed the commitment of the United States to a stable, sovereign, and independent Lebanon.